Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Of Defining Life - 1589 Words

Name: Wong, Ryan Class Time: TTR 8am Assignment: Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Analysis of Defining Life In â€Å"Defining Life†, Josh Gabbatiss expresses the difficulty of distinguishing between the living and the inanimate, and examines various attempts at this age-old yet still developing struggle through the perspectives of virology, chemistry, astro-biology, technology, and philosophy. â€Å"Defining Life† is contextualized by an extensive history of deliberation by both modern and historical figures such as Aristotle and Carl Sagan, and institutions such as NASA and the Christian Church. The relevance of this article is also shown through current advancements in physical and life sciences, engineering, and philosophical†¦show more content†¦The final evaluation will be on the author’s diction and language, which compliments the aura of objectivity created through the author’s ethos with informality akin to that of an advertisement. Gabbatiss establishes his role as a conveyer of truth by referencing authorities in their respective fields. A look at the virology perspective reveals that the section is based almost entirely on expert opinion; neither the author’s analysis nor his personal beliefs are reflected in an explicit manner. The section begins with a textbook statement: â€Å"‘They are not cells, they have no metabolism, and they are inert as long as they do not encounter a cell, so many people (including many scientists) conclude that viruses are not living,’ says Patrick Forterre, a microbiologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France†, and later reveals Forterre’s personal belief that virus’s are alive (Gabbatiss). The deliberate centralization of the section around Forterre, whose research has shown the evolutionary and darwinistic tendencies of viruses despite the common beliefs of the scientific community, implies that a line has yet to be drawn (Forterre 151). Gabbatiss then acknowledges other sc ientists whose research paralleled or supported that of Forterre’s, referring to them as simply â€Å"others† or â€Å"some scientists† (Gabbatiss), thus driving the focus ofShow MoreRelatedCritical Reading And Writing Course995 Words   |  4 Pagesa lot over the semester in the Blugold Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing course. I did not know anything about rhetoric before entering the class and I now feel that I have a good grasp on it. I still struggle a bit remembering some of the rhetorical terms, but I am way more comfortable and familiar with them now. In high school I never really summarized pieces, instead I would quote them. 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